A Sign of the Times
In every spiritual journey
there are the seasons.
A time to be found,
a time to be lost.
A time to rejoice,
a time to stand and shake our fist at God and scream
“What the hell were you thinking?”
A time to stand weeping,
hand over mouth, in awe, feeling
“What was I thinking?”
A time for dryness,
a time for tears,
a time for tears in the dryness.
A time when we need to try our hardest,
and a time when we harden our hearts by trying.
A time to seek,
and a time to wait.
A time to embrace our desires,
and a time to surrender everything, including our desires.
A time for confusion,
and a time for clarity.
A time for a glimpse of heaven on earth,
a time for a taste of hell,
and more than a few times to tell Satan where to go.
A time to take Jesus’ hand,
a time to let Jesus give us a hug,
a time to weep in his arms,
and a time to be cradled by our Grandma God like an infant.
A time just to be,
a time just to do,
and a time for both.
But it’s always a time for love
because love is in all times.
Oh Master Lover,
give us the grace to know this even when in doubt,
to see this especially in times of obscurity.
Give us the grace always to trust and be grateful
that you love us all the time,
at all times.