Our God is not a stingy God,
waiting, resisting and doling out graces
only if we pray hard enough,
long enough, use the right words
or spill enough of our hearts, souls and tears.
Our God is not like this at all.
Rather our God is wooing us,
seeking persistently, patiently, lovingly
our consent that grace become efficacious,
for our permission for the miracles
large and small to become real.
Such a delusion to imagine that we
could ever pray to God,
a being somehow separate, even distant,
from us
when actually all prayer originates in God,
God’s Spirit prays in us always
and separation from God is, well … nonsense.
And so my prayer has become silent,
listening to the unformed words God
speaks through my spirit,
and my response is to say yes,
giving consent,
to love.