Wednesday, March 27
Betrayal by Judas
Matthew 26:14-25
Breakthroughs are waiting to happen,
waiting for us to make them happen.
Those moments when estrangement and
distance is pierced for a while,
real life moments,
like when stuck in an elevator
or in the hospital waiting room together,
grace-encouraged letting our guards down,
slowly, responsively to each other,
knowing that it is only for this one time,
this special time,
when our souls connect.
Keep your distance and keep yourself safe
from the crap that comes from people.
Pretend and sometimes even succeed
to forget they exist.
Go out of your way to avoid those special ones –
who know not only all of your secret buttons,
but how to push them so effortlessly.
Perhaps it would help to imagine your bus ride to heaven,
and that person being assigned the seat next to you.
Why wait, just to avoid a little pain?
Why not grit your teeth beneath a smile
and grow in freedom and love?
Why not extend the offer to break through?
Why not take the initiative to love like God?