Forever Friends
I want you to go to heaven,
I just don’t want to go to your funeral.
Dear friend, you have taught me well…
about God,
about Love,
about faith,
about aging gracefully,
about true purpose in life,
about being present,
about friendship and companionship.
Do you really have to leave?
Will you find a way to remain in my heart?
Will you continue to love, encourage, and challenge me?
Will I find joy after the tears stop flowing?
Oh, won’t you teach me the lesson about how to survive
the loss of a good friend?
Can you do this before you die
or is this how it must be taught?
I know you know, old friend.
And yet deep, deep in my heart
is the certainty that you will never leave me,
perhaps so deep that at times I may not be able to feel it.
So hug me now while we can.
Give me a mischievous wink,
a warm, welcoming smile,
a reassuring hand on the shoulder.
I love you dear friend, forever.