Saturday, February 25
The Call of Levi
Luke 5:27-32
He could not remember a time when he did not know,
really know deep and with certainty,
that the mission was bigger than himself,
more than he could ever accomplish,
not his to own.
He could not remember a time when he did not know
that even the Christ had limits,
needed the help of others,
was human.
So when he failed, he also knew,
it was not a failure.
And when he succeeded, he also knew,
it was only one step on the pilgrimage.
And when he became tired and discouraged, he also knew,
others would carry on,
whether or not he would see it,
others would carry on.
And he came to know more clearly,
over time,
that the deeper understanding of the mission
was not to reach the endpoint,
but rather to encourage others to join in.