My Biggest Secret
Do you wish to know something about me
that may surprise or perhaps shock you?
Do you wish to know a secret that may cause you to wonder,
or question what you thought was certain?
If today were the last day of my existence,
I would accept that.
If I am gifted with another day tomorrow,
I will accept that as well.
I have been so privileged and blessed,
more than enough, much more than most.
I am not striving to attain eternal life,
instead I share in it now,
because life is eternal.
I do not cower from the expectation
that I will completely melt into nothingness and wholeness.
For me, heaven is not then, but is now, today.
Heaven is not to be earned or even received.
For me—the one who will no longer exist,
perhaps as soon as tomorrow—
heaven exists in the eternal state of now.
For me, heaven is living in harmony
with the purpose for which I was created,
as best I can comprehend it.
Namely, to love, to be loved, to give love, to accept love.
That simple.
That true.
If I have been in love today,
I have been in heaven and within God,
and the lie that we should seek something else,
something illusory rather than real,
dulls our sense of fundamental purpose
and the urgency with which we are to embrace it.
We have still not learned the lesson of Eve and the serpent:
that it is not authentic for us to aspire to be like God,
all knowing and immortal.
And so we cast ourselves out of recognition
that we live in Eden.
Please don’t keep this a secret,
but instead proclaim the truth by loving now.