The Second Greatest Gift
Next to my existence,
perhaps your greatest gift to me is my not knowing.
Not knowing when or how I will experience you.
Not knowing your plans, hopes and yearnings for me.
Not knowing what the future holds
or how the messy issues in my life will get resolved.
Not knowing when I will die.
Not knowing about how life will unfold for my children.
Not knowing how I will be drawn into suffering,
and not even knowing about what will happen the next moment.
Yes, this must be the second greatest gift
because it draws me toward and into you.
It allows me to be surprised and to grow.
It creates the opportunity to trust, and to hope,
and to fall in love more deeply.
It helps me come to appreciate my dependence upon you,
and if I am really honest,
your dependence upon me.
Oh God, I marvel at your works,
your cleverness,
and boundless, creative love.
You make me wonder about how heaven will not be boring.
How will you allow us to experience the fullness of your beautiful presence,
yet still continue to surprise us?