My God
She comes as a child
my God does
innocent, vulnerable
beautiful, dependent
honest, open
using simple words
wanting only to be with me
to cling to me
as I caress her
She comes to me this way
He comes as a friend
a companion who understands
who offers support, not judgment
and who rejoices in my growth
in me becoming more
They bring tears when they visit
and feelings too profound to express
when they come
gratitude wells
in every cell of my being
and I can hear the gentle
cry from deep within my soul
saying “take me”
yet they already have
It comes with …
there are no words.
Haven’t you seen it?
Haven’t you experienced the surprise of God
on the horizon of your heart?
it’s OK to believe it
If you let go of the ego and fear
if you trust once again
if you come like a child
you can cling to her
as she caresses you