No Waiting
If I had to wait for those I will leave behind,
surely I could not be in heaven.
So when beaming up or over to that ephemeral place,
somehow all those I have loved,
all those who loved me,
and all those I dread leaving behind
will be there eager to greet me,
to welcome me into eternal love, eternal life.
Spirits don’t age and they are easier to recognize
because of the transparency,
no hiding behind wrinkles, clothes, insecurity, or fear—
just authentic love,
naked spirit.
Oh, how I long to hug in the spiritual realm,
fusion, union as we now long for with God
and as God sometimes teases.
Loving God, let me remember that the deeper reality
is unitive,
is timeless,
is completely free and loving,
and let me live with that awareness here in this realm.
Let me help heaven break into earth just a little bit more.