Ash Wednesday, February 14
Teachings about Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Sometimes the most powerful prayer is “yes”
and so, Dear One, that is my prayer to you.
Yes that you may touch my hurt,
the hurt so deep I’ve yet to face and feel it,
the hurt hidden behind fear,
fear of what is bound to come
and what is yet to know.
Fear that you will leave us there alone,
fear that is irrational and unfounded,
fear that only love can push out – mine and hers.
Yes to opening my heart even more to you,
to her, to you in her,
to going to the ever more vulnerable place,
to trusting both of you even more than I have,
to being the power of love that is you,
real, in the flesh, in the fabric of our lives.
And yes to what will follow –
the grace, the love, the peace and joy,
the loss, the diminishment, the suffering,
the yes again and again to you,
to her, to you in her.