A Spiritual Discipline
Share your secrets as a spiritual discipline,
not someone else’s secrets,
but yours.
Start first with the Examine –
“What are my secrets?”
“What is hidden away for no thief,
no friend, no spouse or offspring to find?”
“What am I hiding from myself,
and from God?”
Pick one and share it …
not during confession,
but instead confess it in love –
give a part of yourself away,
become less isolated,
become less afraid.
Perhaps it may help to imagine
the cleanup of your life …
after you have died,
by a family member or a friend.
Will they be surprised by the cards you saved,
the love letters you treasured?
Is there a diary that recorded feelings
of unfulfillment, resentment, jealousy,
lust and confusion?
Did you dare to write about your doubts –
the doubts good people are not supposed to have?
(We all know what these are.)
Maybe now is the time to clean up,
before you die…
but will you destroy the evidence
or vanquish the secret by revealing it?
Perhaps you pretend you live open book, no secrets.
You can face the truth if you choose,
and look more closely.
Who knows about your money,
your sexual desires and activities,
your fears,
your disappointments,
your joys,
your dreams?
And maybe it will help to remember
that there are no secrets in heaven.