Easter Vigil, April 8
The Resurrection of Jesus
Matthew 28:1-10
Easter Spirit
Easter Spirit knows pain,
pain more intense than we ever imagined possible,
physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological.
Easter Spirit knows how it feels –
to feel totally, completely abandoned and alone,
afraid to stay, afraid to leave,
depressed, desolate, more dead than alive.
Easter Spirit knows surprise,
the surprise of new life in ways never dreamed,
previously unbelievable ways.
Easter Spirit lives in hope, and faith, and love,
with courage not to hide the wounds,
but to reveal them that others may caress and anoint us,
that others may also come to know
that the sense of isolation is the evil one’s delight
and one of the greatest deceits of this world.
Easter Spirit breathes easy, fresh
and beats a heart of gentle being,
acceptance, patience, quiet dancing,
tears like spring rain.
Welcome Her.
You can.
Welcome Her.
Choose to be an Easter People.
You can.
Welcome Her
and all She offers.