Good Friday, April 7
The Passion
John 18:1—19:42
All Wrong
Every one I have ever seen is wrong.
Every crucifix has Jesus clothed.
Surely this is inaccurate,
as sure as it is more humiliating
to be naked amidst the jeers,
the badgering, the outright hatred,
and the violence of heart that is fueled in mobs
and deeply rooted in fear.
Surely he was naked to the world,
and naked before God.
Wasn’t that what got him into so much trouble
in the first place?
His fearless desire and discipline of standing
naked before God…
abiding naked in Their midst,
and before and with people as well,
a naked lover and healer and revealer of truth.
He was so filled with love that fear and violence
had no room in him,
none at all.
Absolutely none.
Have you ever been able to love that deeply?
To trust and surrender so fully that fear had no room?
To lay down your life because love did not
permit any alternative?
Even the thought of love this profound—
even the thought—
is so frightening for us that we put a loin cloth
on our naked savior, redeemer, lover God.
Are we ashamed of his humanness?
Are we afraid to gaze upon the type of surrender
that deep love can yield?
Let us ask forgiveness not only for hiding ourselves from God,
but also for hiding the depth of God’s love from ourselves.
Oh, sweet lover Jesus, let us stand naked
before each other that we may let go
of all and any obstacles to love,
that we may let go of pride and desire for honor,
that we may abandon all of ourselves
completely and totally to you.
Praise you, Jesus—now and forever!