Did the prodigal son stay home after his father’s loving welcome? Could it be that Jesus actually wanted Peter to deny him? Who did Jesus probably visit on the day of his resurrection? What would love dictate and how does that relate to each of us today? Explore these questions each day this holy season by engaging with A Heart Journey Through Lent. Join the journey by subscribing here.
Look for the archives once Lent begins… Ash Wednesday.
March 31
Whose Heart Whose heart breaks for Judas,the first apostle to enter heaven?Who mourns with his widow and her children,and puts flowers on his grave?He was human, like us.He was loved and did love, like us.Whose heart breaks for Judas?With the heart of Christ, mine.
March 30
Easter Vigil, March 30The Resurrection of JesusMark 16:1-7 Easter Spirit Easter Spirit knows pain,pain more intense than we ever imagined possible,physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological. Easter Spirit knows how it feels –to feel totally, completely abandoned and alone,afraid to stay, afraid to leave,depressed, desolate, more dead than alive. Easter Spirit knows surprise,the surprise of new life…
March 29
Good Friday, March 29The PassionJohn 18:1—19:42 All Wrong Every one I have ever seen is wrong.Every crucifix has Jesus clothed.Surely this is inaccurate,as sure as it is more humiliatingto be naked amidst the jeers,the badgering, the outright hatred,and the violence of heart that is fueled in mobsand deeply rooted in fear.Surely he was naked to…
March 28
Holy Thursday, March 28The Washing of the Disciples’ FeetJohn 13:1-15 Painful Sometimes we simply can’t toleratewitnessing the pain of the ones we love.We need to look away when the IV is inserted,to leave the room when the breathing gets labored,to take a break from the ICU.Compassion is to join in the suffering of another out…
March 27
Wednesday, March 27Betrayal by JudasMatthew 26:14-25 Breakthrough Breakthroughs are waiting to happen,waiting for us to make them happen.Those moments when estrangement anddistance is pierced for a while,real life moments,like when stuck in an elevatoror in the hospital waiting room together,grace-encouraged letting our guards down,slowly, responsively to each other,knowing that it is only for this one…
March 26
Tuesday, March 26Announcement of Judas’s BetrayalJohn 13:21-33, 36-38 Three Days Triduum can be the sacred time of the yearwhen we pray for our Beloved Friend and Savior…that he will know that God is with him,that he will know that he is loved and cherished,that he be protected from doubt and fear,and that he will know…
March 25
Monday, March 25Anointing at BethanyJohn 12:1-11 The Woman with the Alabaster Jar As a young girl, and ever since,ever since,she had a problem with menand they with her.Never enough –good enough, smart enough, pretty enough.Never seen as a person,much less an equal.Never heard,much less listened to.Never thanked,much less appreciated.Never welcomed to the table,although it was…
March 24
Palm Sunday, March 24The PassionMark 14:1 – 15:47 Betrayal As their eyes met, one felt shame, the other gratitude.One felt fear, the other love.One was horrified, the other relieved.United in the pain of seeing a loved one suffer. Who wouldn’t give their life to save a most dear one? When we imagine Jesus feeling abandoned…
March 23
Saturday, March 23Session of the SanhedrinJohn 11:45-56 Sanhedrin If I admit that you are Beloved,that you are loved and accepted,as you are,unconditionally,then I must accept this reality about myself as well,and damn it, that’s just too difficult,just too scary.I don’t know what that doorwill let in or let out,how I will then be finally, finallyable…
March 22
Friday, March 22Jesus and the FatherJohn 10:31-42 Blasphemer I spoke about God as if I really knew,as if I really knew the One,the One who is,who is unknowable. Oh sure, I can speak of my experiences of God,and those experiences tell me thatGod understands my limitations,that when I attempt to speak to God,God hears,that when…
March 21
Thursday, March 21Path to Eternal LifeJohn 8:51-59 On the Day I Die Oh loving God, let the day I die be familiar.Let me recall at least one dear memory.Let me be present with at least one person who loves me.Let me feel you with me, Sweet Jesus, my friend.Let me surrender all to you,as I…
March 20
Wednesday, March 20Jesus and AbrahamJohn 8:31-42 Discipline It’s a spiritual discipline,to nurture an open spirit…to pause and notice how a very particularcomponent of this world is loving you,what it is inviting you to learn,to grow, to receive that you may share,like absolute beauty and wonder,or kindness,or gentle affection.These opportunity moments are countless,yet to open to…
March 19
Tuesday, March 19The Boy Jesus in the TempleLuke 2:41-51a Mother She wiped his toddler noseand held his handand told him stories as he sat on her lap,stories of the ancestors,ancient and recent,stories of her childhood.She expressed her joy and love and gratitudeto him through her actions and wordsand in her prayers.She delighted in the times…
March 13, 2024
Wednesday, March 13The Work of the SonJohn 5:17-30 Nonetheless Quiet assurance is nonetheless quiet,silent, still,unaffected by me or whatever I may do (or not).God, you are so close, so ever-presentyet as distant as the stars,inescapable yet why would I everwant to move at all from you?To pray always evolves into a state of empty grace,so…
March 12, 2024
Tuesday, March 12The Cure at BethesdaJohn 5:1-16 Too Courteous As children we learn to express empty gratitude.“Thank you” for this and “Thank you” for that,though it was rote, absent emotion and sincerity.So too with our prayers, full of dull obligation and shallow ritual.We need to grow up,to learn to kiss with an open mouth,to abandon…
March 11 , 2024
Monday, March 11Second Sign at CanaJohn 4:43-54 Because I Have Faith When my wife got sickand our lives were turned upside downand the freedom I had grown so accustomed to was gone,and when I had to watch her cryin pain and fear and suffering,because I have faith, I asked“Where are you in this situation, God?”…
March 10, 2024
The Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 10The Man Born BlindJohn 9:1-41 Original Sin What really is sin?Because I think of sex or pleasure,or wish for the welfare of my family and friends morethan the welfare of those I see as different,those whom I fear,are these my sins?To wish I were different than God created me…
March 9, 2024
Saturday, March 9The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax CollectorLuke 18:9-14 Possessed There’s a little devil that takes up residence inside me,sometimes,jumps around and pokes me with a sharp stickjust in the most painful spots, to set me off,releasing unkindness into the atmosphere,impatience, selfishness, inconsideration,like a little steam spouting from a tea kettle,it stings,and…
March 8, 2024
Friday, March 8The Greatest CommandmentMark 12:28-34 Easier It is easier to love the neighborwho lives on the other side of the earth,someone imagined who we have never touched,who will never touch us.Yes, it is safe to love a person we don’t know.And so it is with God,easier to love the God who is notrather than…
March 7, 2024
Thursday, March 7Jesus and BeelzebulLuke 11:14-23 Called Out There is a power in naming, and connectionin knowing the name of another.So it follows that those unclean spiritswere connected with Jesus,and that challenging them in truth and love,he empowered them to become free –free of attachment, co-dependence, fear and hate.Free of self-loathing, hiding and shame.Free to…
March 6, 2024
Wednesday, March 6Teaching about the LawMatthew 5:17-19 For an Older Audience Forty-five years later and I’m still hopingto be one of the Do-Bees (Do-Be).You know, from Romper Room.To be affirmed, to be accepted,to feel loved and interconnected with others.Yes, that’s still what I long for.I still desire to follow the rules, but nowthe rules are…
March 5, 2024
Tuesday, March 5The Parable of the Unforgiving ServantMatthew 18:21-35 The Fourth Commandment Of the lesser commandments,(the ten)the fourth can be the most challenging,and can seem out of place with the rest.It’s often easier to honor someone else’s parents,so that precisely must be the point –to live better by loving better those harder to love,to respect…
March 4, 2024
Monday, March 4The Rejection at NazarethLuke 4:24-30 Vicarious Gratitude A life of ministry is sometimes a chorus of voices…“Thank you for doing this, but it’s not for me.What you are doing is important, but it’s not for me.You clearly have a call, but it’s not for me.You are such a devoted, holy person, but it’s…
March 3, 2024
The Third Sunday of Lent, March 3The Samaritan WomanJohn 4:5-42 Deeper I think about the woman at the welland how Jesus engaged her with dignity and respect,connected with her as an equal – fully human, fully divine,how he loved her freely and completelywith warmth, affection and endearment. I think about how Jesus loved his dear…
March 2, 2024
Saturday, March 2The Parable of the Lost SonLuke 15:1-3, 11-32 The Student It took only a few days for him to become restless.There was still roast beef left over from the great party.And after the days and weeks wore on,his ability to engage in the affairs of the family business waned,later and later getting into…
March 1, 2024
Friday, March 1The Parable of the TenantsMatthew 21:33-43, 45-46 Heretic With crocodile tears in his eyeshe watched as the crowds rejected his precious gift,avoidance disguised in the form of praise and worship,misunderstanding shame and self-deprecationas humility rather than denial. Peter and Paul also raised friends from the dead.The woman with the hemorrhage was saved by…
February 29, 2024
Thursday, February 29The Parable of the Rich Man and LazarusLuke 16:19-31 The Great Chasm Too often the great chasmis the fear that prevents usfrom becoming vulnerable.
February 28, 2024
Wednesday, February 28The Request of James and JohnMatthew 20:17-28 Glory In our youth we find our worth through a report card,athletic skills, popularity and wins of various sorts.Then the status of our alma mater, the size of our paycheck,the prize of our spouse, titles and professional accolades.But when maturity ripens, we realize the only authentic…
February 27, 2024
Tuesday, February 27Denunciation of the Scribes and PhariseesMatthew 23:1-12 Careful Did you know that saying “No”is a way of saying “Yes” to something else,hopefully something better,leading to greater freedom, joy,peace, love, authenticity,and letting go a bit more of ego,attachment, honor, reputation and judgment? Did you know that doing lessmakes room for more of whatGod may…
February 26, 2024
Monday, February 26Judging OthersLuke 6:36-38 Permission I give you permission to be both/and instead of either/or,masculine and feminine, black and white,rich and poor, hard and soft,grateful and angry (so angry you want to break something). I give you permission to burn the boxthat others try to keep you in(here, borrow my matches). I give you…
February 25, 2024
The Second Sunday of Lent, February 25The Transfiguration of JesusMark 9:2-10 May Have Today may have held the most beautifulmoment of my life…past or future.Cradling my sleeping grandson and gazing,glowing like a halo in a warm Rembrandt painting.Love radiating, breathing together,being together pure goodness.
February 24, 2024
Saturday, February 24Love of EnemiesMatthew 5:43-48 Replacement It’s tempting to think that if a particular person were removed,the situation would be better,the problem would be eliminated,but this is a fantasy, because with people come challenges(opportunities to love I like to say).So yes, with a different person,that problem may be gone, but only to be replaced…
February 23, 2024
Friday, February 23Teaching about AngerMatthew 5:20-26 Always The man at the coffee shop today could have been my brother,about the same age, build, demeanor.And the wonderings returned…Would I attend his funeral and if I did would it hurt his family?Would I be notified of his death?Would I say anything meaningful to him if there was…
February 22, 2024
Thursday, February 22Peter’s Confession about JesusMatthew 16:13-19 Krinkles His name for me is Krinklesthough my name for him is soulmate.I heard it once when I became silent,and listened.A name of endearment,a name unique and intimate.He makes me feel special and loved. Oh Dear One, let me open even moreto your presence this moment.Let me feel…
February 21, 2024
February 21The Demand for a SignLuke 11:29-32 God Hug A God hug is waiting for you…in the woods,by the ocean,in the mountains,in the prairie.Recall the last time you received itand savor it again.Let your spirit dance with The Spirit, again.But if possible, take the journey in personto where God waitsand receive the grace and affection…
February 20, 2024
Tuesday, February 20The Lord’s PrayerMatthew 6:7-15 God’s Prayer Preparation: Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Allow yourself to become quiet. Place your hand over your heart and feel it beating. Allow your breathing to become slower…and when ready, listen as God speaks the following words to you: I want you to be alive.I am…
February 19, 2024
Monday, February 19 The Judgment of the NationsMatthew 25:31-46 Could Be Could it be that the bad person does something good?Could it be that the good person does something bad?All in our judgment and perspective.It could happen.It has happened.It happens all the time. How disturbing it is to our sense of righteousness, certainly and securitythat…
February 18, 2024
The First Sunday of Lent, February 18The Temptation of JesusMark 1:12-15 Nameless The most faithful member of our church is Satan.Never misses Mass. Attends every meeting.Fully engaged in every aspect of the community.He prefers to remain unnoticed,standing behind a pillar or in the shadows,not only in the sanctuary, but also our consciousness.We too often, too…
February 17, 2024
Saturday, February 17The Call of LeviLuke 5:27-32 Mission He could not remember a time when he did not know,really know deep and with certainty,that the mission was bigger than himself,more than he could ever accomplish,not his to own.He could not remember a time when he did not knowthat even the Christ had limits,needed the help…
February 15, 2024
Thursday, February 15The Conditions of DiscipleshipLuke 9:22-25 Annihilation I sank deep into loveas in an oversized cushionand I emerged as a prairie,alive and restored, diverse and authentic,a home to many.And I found myself at one with all,the earth, the sky, the waters, the creatures,and the colors that shone were radiant and new.I had become the…
February 16, 2024
Friday, February 16The Question about FastingMatthew 9:14-15 A Year of Fasting This year I am giving up “should”and this will make more room to discover…God,my authentic self,my joy,that my burden is easy and my yoke is so light,that I am loved for who I am, period,that the risks of vulnerability and truthfulnessare greatly outweighed by…
February 14, 2024
Ash Wednesday, February 14 Teachings about Almsgiving, Prayer and FastingMatthew 6:1-6, 16-18 Yes Sometimes the most powerful prayer is “yes”and so, Dear One, that is my prayer to you.Yes that you may touch my hurt,the hurt so deep I’ve yet to face and feel it,the hurt hidden behind fear,fear of what is bound to…
April 9
Easter Sunday, April 9The Empty TombJohn 20:1-9 Whose Heart Whose heart breaks for Judas,the first apostle to enter heaven?Who mourns with his widow and her children,and puts flowers on his grave?He was human, like us.He was loved and did love, like us.Whose heart breaks for Judas?With the heart of Christ, mine.
April 8
Easter Vigil, April 8The Resurrection of JesusMatthew 28:1-10 Easter Spirit Easter Spirit knows pain,pain more intense than we ever imagined possible,physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological. Easter Spirit knows how it feels –to feel totally, completely abandoned and alone,afraid to stay, afraid to leave,depressed, desolate, more dead than alive. Easter Spirit knows surprise,the surprise of new life…
April 7
Good Friday, April 7The PassionJohn 18:1—19:42 All Wrong Every one I have ever seen is wrong.Every crucifix has Jesus clothed.Surely this is inaccurate,as sure as it is more humiliatingto be naked amidst the jeers,the badgering, the outright hatred,and the violence of heart that is fueled in mobsand deeply rooted in fear.Surely he was naked to…
April 6
Holy Thursday, April 6The Washing of the Disciples’ FeetJohn 13:1-15 Turn It’s your turn to be the object of love,as you need help walking to the car,cooking your meals, cleaning your home,managing your life.Let love envelop you, dear one, despite the unfamiliarcircumstances and wishing they were different.Allow yourself to expand the heart of another,not by…
April 5
Wednesday, April 5Betrayal by JudasMatthew 26:14-25 Breakthrough Breakthroughs are waiting to happen,waiting for us to make them happen.Those moments when estrangement anddistance is pierced for a while,real life moments,like when stuck in an elevatoror in the hospital waiting room together,grace-encouraged letting our guards down,slowly, responsively to each other,knowing that it is only for this one…
April 4
Tuesday, April 4Announcement of Judas’s BetrayalJohn 13:21-33, 36-38 Three Days Triduum can be the sacred time of the yearwhen we pray for our Beloved Friend and Savior…that he will know that God is with him,that he will know that he is loved and cherished,that he be protected from doubt and fear,and that he will know…
April 3
Monday, April 3Anointing at BethanyJohn 12:1-11 The Woman with the Alabaster Jar As a young girl, and ever since,ever since,she had a problem with menand they with her.Never enough –good enough, smart enough, pretty enough.Never seen as a person,much less an equal.Never heard,much less listened to.Never thanked,much less appreciated.Never welcomed to the table,although it was…
April 2
Palm Sunday, April 2The PassionMatthew 26:14—27:66 Betrayal As their eyes met, one felt shame, the other gratitude.One felt fear, the other love.One was horrified, the other relieved.United in the pain of seeing a loved one suffer. Who wouldn’t give their life to save a most dear one? When we imagine Jesus feeling abandoned andcrushed by…
April 1
Saturday, April 1Session of the SanhedrinJohn 11:45-56 Sanhedrin If I admit that you are Beloved,that you are loved and accepted,as you are,unconditionally,then I must accept this reality about myself as well,and damn it, that’s just too difficult,just too scary.I don’t know what that doorwill let in or let out,how I will then be finally, finallyable…
March 31
Friday, March 31Jesus and the FatherJohn 10:31-42 Blasphemer I spoke about God as if I really knew,as if I really knew the One,the One who is,who is unknowable. Oh sure, I can speak of my experiences of God,and those experiences tell me thatGod understands my limitations,that when I attempt to speak to God,God hears,that when…
March 30
Thursday, March 30Path to Eternal LifeJohn 8:51-59 On the Day I Die Oh loving God, let the day I die be familiar.Let me recall at least one dear memory.Let me be present with at least one person who loves me.Let me feel you with me, Sweet Jesus, my friend.Let me surrender all to you,as I…
March 29
Wednesday, March 29Jesus and AbrahamJohn 8:31-42 Every Little Bit Every little bit,I offer every little bit to you, my Lord.Every cell, every hair,every thought, every fear,every desire, every heartbeat,every breath,even what I try to hide from myself—I offer that to you as well.Take me.Receive all of me into you.Let us become one.Let whatever of me…
March 28
Tuesday, March 28Jesus, the Father’s AmbassadorJohn 8:21-30 A New Creation I didn’t create you to be grateful.I didn’t create you to praise me.I didn’t create you to be my hands to serve othersor to fix what’s wrong in this world.I created you to share myself.I cannot be contained.I cannot be limited.I created you to enter…
March 27
Monday, March 27The Woman Caught in AdulteryJohn 8:1-11 Stones She stands in the center,afraid,crying,vulnerable,feeling alone.They hurled assaultswith the hope of inflicting painand shame,to press on the fresh woundwith a sense of righteousness,spitting madon the verge of escalating violence,looking for stones, unawarethat it was the evil one who set them out. Yet Jesus stood in the…
The Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 26The Raising of LazarusJohn 11:1-45 Right to Die He was there when Joseph died.Word had reached him in time to return home,to be a consoling presence to his mother,his father, and those who would mourn his passing.It can be clear that there is a time for death,and this clarity…
Saturday, March 25The AnnunciationLuke 1:26-38Discernment It wasn’t until after she missed her second period that she told her mother,about the visit from the angel,about what was impossible actually being real,about her yes and the consequences,both imagined and unimaginable.Yet her mother already knew,not by some vision or eavesdropping,but through her deep connection with those she loved.Her…
Friday, March 24 –The Feast of TabernaclesJohn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Sadderday I was grateful that I could cry with herthe day she was rejected by her church.I noticed that I cried more freely than she.I was grateful that the love and acceptance of Godflowed through me toward her,on a day and at a time when…
Thursday, March 23Witnesses to JesusJohn 5:31-47 A Graced Decision Was it a sin when Jesus expressed his anger by turning over the money tables?Did he lose his composure, acting upon impulse, or did he discern this action methodically, over time, paying attention, being and doing with God?Was it like the brave people of color sitting…
Wednesday, March 22The Work of the SonJohn 5:17-30 I Wish I wish that I were never crabby,short-tempered, out of whack,closed to the movement of the Spirit of Life,the Spirit of Love.I wish that with each person I encounteredI would cooperate with that Spirit,to look that Beloved of God,that fellow image and likeness of God,in the…
Tuesday, March 21The Cure at BethesdaJohn 5:1-16 Together It’s our mutual expectation that wewon’t connect that irritates me so,that you won’t get my soup order right,and that I won’t make my soup order clear.Of course you will let the door slam on me, unaware,and when our paths cross, we will be in each other’s way.…
March 20
Monday, March 20The Boy Jesus in the TempleLuke 2:41-51a Mother She wiped his toddler noseand held his handand told him stories as he sat on her lap,stories of the ancestors,ancient and recent,stories of her childhood.She expressed her joy and love and gratitudeto him through her actions and wordsand in her prayers.She delighted in the times…
March 19
The Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 19The Man Born BlindJohn 9:1-41 Original Sin What really is sin?Because I think of sex or pleasure,or wish for the welfare of my family and friends morethan the welfare of those I see as different,those whom I fear,are these my sins?To wish I were different than God created me…
March 18
Saturday, March 18The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax CollectorLuke 18:9-14 Possessed There’s a little devil that takes up residence inside me,sometimes,jumps around and pokes me with a sharp stickjust in the most painful spots, to set me off,releasing unkindness into the atmosphere,impatience, selfishness, inconsideration,like a little steam spouting from a tea kettle,it stings,and…
March 17
Friday, March 17The Greatest CommandmentMark 12:28-34 Easier It is easier to love the neighborwho lives on the other side of the earth,someone imagined who we have never touched,who will never touch us.Yes, it is safe to love a person we don’t know.And so it is with God,easier to love the God who is notrather than…
March 16
Thursday, March 16Jesus and BeelzebulLuke 11:14-23 Called Out There is a power in naming, and connectionin knowing the name of another.So it follows that those unclean spiritswere connected with Jesus,and that challenging them in truth and love,he empowered them to become free –free of attachment, co-dependence, fear and hate.Free of self-loathing, hiding and shame.Free to…
March 15
Wednesday, March 15Teaching about the LawMatthew 5:17-19 For an Older Audience Forty-five years later and I’m still hopingto be one of the Do-Bees (Do-Be).You know, from Romper Room.To be affirmed, to be accepted,to feel loved and interconnected with others.Yes, that’s still what I long for.I still desire to follow the rules, but nowthe rules are…
March 14
Tuesday, March 14The Parable of the Unforgiving ServantMatthew 18:21-35 The Fourth Commandment Of the lesser commandments,(the ten)the fourth can be the most challenging,and can seem out of place with the rest.It’s often easier to honor someone else’s parents,so that precisely must be the point –to live better by loving better those harder to love,to respect…
March 13
Monday, March 13The Rejection at NazarethLuke 4:24-30 Last Act It was her last act of service,to offer herself as a mirror,to illuminate the dark corners and crevices,to dispel the delusion of complete acceptance,unity and communal love,to birth the opportunity, the invitation to go deeper,to see what we would rather not,to love beyond our comfort zone,to…
March 12
The Third Sunday of Lent, March 12The Samaritan WomanJohn 4:5-42 Polite No one ever accused Jesus of being polite.He loved too deeply for that.His vulnerability, authenticity and intimacymelted whatever decorum boundarieshis mother tried to teach him.He was too honest for his own good sometimes.So Jesus, I welcome you, be impolite with me.Dab the mustard from…
March 11
Saturday, March 11The Parable of the Lost SonLuke 15:1-3, 11-32 The Student It took only a few days for him to become restless.There was still roast beef left over from the great party.And after the days and weeks wore on,his ability to engage in the affairs of the family business waned,later and later getting into…
March 10
Friday, March 10The Parable of the TenantsMatthew 21:33-43, 45-46 Heretic With crocodile tears in his eyeshe watched as the crowds rejected his precious gift,avoidance disguised in the form of praise and worship,misunderstanding shame and self-deprecationas humility rather than denial. Peter and Paul also raised friends from the dead.The woman with the hemorrhage was saved by…
March 9
Thursday, March 9The Parable of the Rich Man and LazarusLuke 16:19-31 The Great Chasm Too often the great chasmis the fear that prevents usfrom becoming vulnerable.
March 8
Wednesday, March 8The Request of James and JohnMatthew 20:17-28 Ambition Ambition can be a stealthy thief,channeling all our energies to make a home,to make a name,to secure a future,to win the game,to build a legacy,to save the souls of many,to make the world better (from our perspective),to prove our worth.I have been guilty of all…
March 7
Tuesday, March 7Denunciation of the Scribes and PhariseesMatthew 23:1-12 Careful Did you know that saying “No”is a way of saying “Yes” to something else,hopefully something better,leading to greater freedom, joy,peace, love, authenticity,and letting go a bit more of ego,attachment, honor, reputation and judgment? Did you know that doing lessmakes room for more of whatGod may…
March 6
Monday, March 6Judging OthersLuke 6:36-38 Permission I give you permission to be both/and instead of either/or,masculine and feminine, black and white,rich and poor, hard and soft,grateful and angry (so angry you want to break something). I give you permission to burn the boxthat others try to keep you in(here, borrow my matches). I give you…
March 5
The Second Sunday of Lent, March 5The Transfiguration of JesusMatthew 17:1-9 May Have Today may have held the most beautifulmoment of my life…past or future.Cradling my sleeping grandson and gazing,glowing like a halo in a warm Rembrandt painting.Love radiating, breathing together,being together pure goodness.
March 4
Saturday, March 4Love of EnemiesMatthew 5:43-48]Replacement It’s tempting to think that if a particular person were removed,the situation would be better,the problem would be eliminated,but this is a fantasy, because with people come challenges(opportunities to love I like to say).So yes, with a different person,that problem may be gone, but only to be replaced by…
March 3
Friday, March 3Teaching about AngerMatthew 5:20-26 The Bigger Question It’s not a question of if we will die,but when, but how and the circumstances.Will we be afraid, in pain, alone or consoled?Will we be reconciled with everyone? It’s not a question of whether we will face judgment,but by whom, but by which criteria?For how we…
March 2
Thursday, March 2The Answer to PrayersMatthew 7:7-12 The Question The question is notwhether God hears our prayers,but ratherwhether we hear God’s prayers for us.
March 1
Wednesday, March 1The Demand for a SignLuke 11:29-32 Awareness If you were really hereI would be aware of nothing else,there would be no distracting thoughts or spurious feelings. If you were really hereI would be captivated, enraptured by you,basking, breathing you in, smelling your smell,imbibing your love,glowing, resonating from the inside out. If you were…
February 28
Tuesday, February 28The Lord’s PrayerMatthew 6:7-15 God’s Prayer Preparation: Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Allow yourself to become quiet. Place your hand over your heart and feel it beating. Allow your breathing to become slower…and when ready, listen as God speaks the following words to you: I want you to be alive.I am…
February 27
Monday, February 27The Judgment of the NationsMatthew 25:31-46 Could Be Could it be that the bad person does something good?Could it be that the good person does something bad?All in our judgment and perspective.It could happen.It has happened.It happens all the time. How disturbing it is to our sense of righteousness, certainly and securitythat the…
February 26
The First Sunday of Lent, February 26The Temptation of JesusMatthew 4:1-11 Nameless The most faithful member of our church is Satan.Never misses Mass. Attends every meeting.Fully engaged in every aspect of the community.He prefers to remain unnoticed,standing behind a pillar or in the shadows,not only in the sanctuary, but also our consciousness.We too often, too…
February 25
Saturday, February 25The Call of LeviLuke 5:27-32 Mission He could not remember a time when he did not know,really know deep and with certainty,that the mission was bigger than himself,more than he could ever accomplish,not his to own.He could not remember a time when he did not knowthat even the Christ had limits,needed the help…
February 24
Friday, February 24The Question about FastingMatthew 9:14-15 A Year of Fasting This year I am giving up “should”and this will make more room to discover…God,my authentic self,my joy,that my burden is easy and my yoke is so light,that I am loved for who I am, period,that the risks of vulnerability and truthfulnessare greatly outweighed by…
February 23
Thursday, February 23The Conditions of DiscipleshipLuke 9:22-25 Generosity It is dramatic to give your life for anotherby jumping on a grenade,pushing someone out of a bus’s path,expiring on a cross.Most times, the drama unfolds quite slowly,deliberately,over billions of moments …changing diapers,washing dishes,chauffeuring,going to work,doing without,holding a hand,cradling difficult or easy,listening,asking forgiveness,and saying good-bye.Yes, it is…
February 22
Ash Wednesday, February 22Teachings about Almsgiving, Prayer and FastingMatthew 6:1-6, 16-18 May I Do Your Will I asked Jesus how I could serve him and do his will,and he replied that he will be loving me each moment of this daythrough the people I meet,the sights I see,the sounds I hear,the air I breatheand the…